Slanty Van

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Here we go again

So, I'm thinkin the carb needs rebuilt or replaced.
So, I call around, $48 for the kit, $185 for a reman.

I decides to check ebay.

I fnd a super 6 2bbl manifold with carb & a spare carb.

I figure it's gonna go for $200-300, but just for giggles, I bid on it.

I won the frikken' thing! For $67.25!
$30 shipping, not bad for such a heavy beast...

Ok, so I wait for it to come.
old Van used to get 22 mpg, this one's getting 11, ouch!
And I wait.
3 weeks, what's up?
And I call the post office.
They have a record of it being dropped off, but it's apparently not left the building.
They'll look in to it...
I wait...
6 weeks, got a note from the seller, he's filed a claim with the post office, in a month or so, they'll re-imburse him. Then he'll send $$ to me.
Got my Harbor Freight catalog today. It was in a post office envelope with an apology written on the front. It's missing the first 6 pages.
Why does the post office hate me?


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